Friday, February 29, 2008
Crying over spilled milk
The boys got contacts yesterday. I woke them up early this morning so they had time before school to put them in. LOL! Yeah RIGHT! They haven't quite gotten the hang of it yet so I ended up putting them in. Dreamy came home from school and told me that his eye was itching him during, in the midst of scratching the itch one of his contacts "popped out". He says that his teacher walked him to the teachers' lounge where they luckily found another teacher with contact solution...only he couldn't put it in himself so the teachers had to put it in for him. The teacher apparently told Dreamy to kindly ask me to put solution and contact cases in his backpack. oops. So I did overkill....they now each have baggies full of contact supplies in both their school bags and gymnastics bags...just in case. Hopefully they'll get the hang of this soon....I'm starting to wonder if this whole contacts thing wasn't a HUGE mistake.
Papa Smurf's out playing poker tonight...the kids are all in bed....TV is is silence! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... Of course 2 hours ago it wasn't so quiet. Dreamy Smurf and Smurfette decided when we returned home from gymnastics that they wanted a bowl of cereal....they were both hungry. So....They're playing at the table and after yelling for the 10th time for Dreamy to "sit down and eat and quit goofing around so you can get in the shower"....he decides to tickle Smurfette and somehow during this "tickle torture" (as my kids like to call it) Smurfette ended up dumping her entire bowl of cereal ...which, by the way, Dreamy had poured for her and so the cereal was overflowing and the milk was to the brim of the was somehow managed to spray from one end of my kitchen to the other...up the walls, up the cupboards, down the legs of the kitchen chairs, the milk covered half the kitchen floor, and Smurfette had frosted flakes hanging from her ears and dripping from every piece of clothing....O.....M.....G!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
It IS my life!
I'm reading the new Oprah book..."A New Earth: Awakening to your life's purpose"...trying to anyway. I'm having difficulties getting through it. I like it. I like the message. The truth in the message is enlightening...that is, when I actually "get" the message..... But I'm thinking it's just a little too intellectual for me. Too many big words...LOL! Reading this book is exhausting. I have to share a rather lengthy excerpt from the made me laugh...I'll tell you why after I type it...although, I doubt you'll need my explanation!
"Ego comes about through a split in the human psyche in which identity
separates into two parts that we could call "I" and "me" or "me" and
"myself". Every ego is therefore schizophrenic, to use the word in its
popular meaning of split personality. You live with a mental image of
yourself, a conceptual self that you have a relationship with. Life itself
becomes conceptualized and separated from who you are when you speak of "my life." The moment you say or think "my life" and believe in what you are saying (rather than it just being a linguistic convention), you have entered the realm of delusion. If there is such a thing as "my life," it follows that I and life are two separate things, and so I can also lose
my life, my imaginary treasured possession. Death becomes a seeming
reality and a threat. Words and concepts split life into separate
segments that have no reality in themselves. We could even say that
the notion "my life" is the original delusion of separateness, the
source of ego"....blah blah blah....."So there is no such thing as "my
life"....I think I should change the name of my blog. According to Eckhart Tolle I must have titled my blog "My Life" because I'm both schizophrenic and delusional....and the contents of this blog truely don't exist because there is no such thing as "my life". I don't think I'm getting it. He wrote in the beginning "It can only awaken those who are ready"....I don't think I'm ready....
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Its my hair and I'll cut it if I want to!
Smurfette's short pixie hair cut is growing out so we are back to the battles with the tangles...every morning is a fight to brush her hair. So, I asked her if she wanted it cut again so it wouldn't get so knotted and she said "no, because haircuts make me itch"...LOL...
Found out yesterday that Dreamy doesn't have any broken bones. Doc thinks he just hyperextended his toe. Told him to stay off it for a right...and told me to give him an anti-inflammatory.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Let the training begin!
I'm sad to say that my Great Aunt Mary (my grandma's sister) lost her battle with Leukemia this past Sunday. Her enthusiasm for life and bright spirit will be missed. Papa Smurf also recently found out that a good friend of his and former employee from his MSX days was recently diagnosed with Leukemia. She's her 40s...i think....not that her age matters in the least but just showing how this disease does not discriminate. When I decided to run another marathon I decided not to sign up through TNT this time around....didn't want to commit to raising a specific amount...which for the Chicago marathon would have been significantly higher minimum donation than the Detroit marathon was. I felt funny hitting up family and friends 2 years in a row...I think though that I will set my own goal for raising donations on my own for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society....not the TNT group....this way I know that 100% of the donations will benefit the society. We'll do the same thing we did last year and match donations up to $1000.00.
It seems we can't get enough of Dr. Basch (the foot doctor)....had to make an appointment for this afternoon for Dreamy Smurf...his big toe big toe has been hurting him for over a week now...hopefully it's nothing!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Thursday.....The second day at the Kids Escape went pretty much as expected...they hated be honest I think they kinda enjoyed it but at this point there was no way in hell we'd get them to admit it. Smurfette admitted to making a couple friends...and Hefty Smurf was able to get on a computer...& Dreamy Smurf was just too tired to comment. BUT....Papa Smurf & I had a great time! We went straight to the casino...1st stop...the slots! I put a 20 into the same machine that hubby hit on the previous night and won $155!!! Yeah! Took that $155 and played all night long (well, for 4 hours anyway....because at 10pm we turn into pumpkins) on the black jack table! Even walked away with $75 of it! It was a great night for us.
Friday....Anthony's Grill for breakfast...again....Then we came back and did a little packing and a little bit of relaxing until it was time for the Dolphin Swim. Which really was more of a Dolphin "pet" than a Dolphin "swim"...but the kids had fun and enjoyed it. Smurfette was afraid to kiss the dolphin. But she participated in the rest of it. Papa Smurf stood on the side lines and took pictures. We got to meet the 8 month old dolphin baby...Smurfette enjoyed that. When it was over we took a taxi to the fish fry. My only complaint about this trip is the food. It's just not that good. And for what we're paying for it...I guess I was at least hoping to enjoy it....not so much. Even the food at the fish fry was a bit of a disappointment. After our dinner we went into town to do some shopping only to discover that all the shops close up by 5:30. We walked through the "straw market" as they were closing up to get some t-shirts and hats for the kids.
And that was it. We came back to the hotel and packed. Anticlimactic end to a fabulous vacation. Papa smurf and I spent a good part of the evening on the balcony soaking in the heat and the background tropic sounds of the ocean and reggae music...ho hum. This is the first vacation that we've ever taken that I wasn't ready at the end of the trip to come home. We've all decided we're gonna move there...Papa Smurf's gonna quit his job and we'll move into a little shack on the water...just kidding. As fabulous as the trip was...I don't think I could live allergies were horrible all week. I guess that's my 2nd complaint about the trip. The rooms were not very impressive. You already heard about our first room. They must have prepared our new room with air fresheners before we got there because by the end of the next day it started smelling just as bad as the first one. The kids' room had a leaky air conditioner that dripped all night long...I'm wondering if the damp carpet from the leaky air conditioner wasn't the cause of the musty odor. Anyway...the mustiness of the rooms killed time we take this trip we'll be sleeping in better rooms. I unpacked the suitcases last night to get started on the laundry and that same musty odor has infiltrated all our clothes.
So back to reality. We've decided that the reason this vacation was so incredible is because it's the 1st vacation we've taken in the middle of our winter. Our 1st February vacation. So, we've decided to repeat this trip yearly...not necessarily to the Bahamas but at least a warm destination. We've already decided on the Disney Cruise for next February.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Less than 2 days left
So now we're gonna chill in our room for awhile and get washed up for dinner before dumping...I mean dropping off....the kids at the kids' escape for another night of fun at the casino....we've continued hearing the complaints about the kids escape all day...."they fed us stale pretzels.....they only gave us 1/2 cup of water......we couldn't use the bathroom except for designated bathroom breaks" be honest, and in all fairness to the kids.... it really does sound like a poorly run kids program....but, damn it, I want some adult time!
Tomorrow is our dolphin day and then we still hope to make it down town for the "fish fry" for dinner.'s almost over....only 1 more day left before returning to cold snowy dreary MI. We've decided we want to retire and live on one of these huge yachts that are down on the boat can dream....last night I was playing black jack next to a guy that is down here for a month. He's a boat captain for 4 of those said yachts. Maybe that's what we should do...quit Dan's job and learn how to captain someone elses boat.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Feel'n lucky!
me: "you know have to make the best of the're going back tomorrow night because after all we've done for you during this trip we'd like some alone time"
them: "they don't have xbox like they said and the line to play WII was too long....they wouldn't give us water....they were giving kids "time outs" for talking during the movie"....(the complaint list went on for quite awhile)
me:...I don't think it's too much to ask. If you go there tomorrow with a bad attitude then you WONT have fun...try to make the most of it. We'll send you next time with your own bottled water..... You want to go swim with the dolphins?.....then please do this for us...."
I then tucked them in for the night in their room....closed the door between the adjoining rooms and said to Papa Smurf "well....looks like the "kids escape" was a bust"....Papa Smurf's reply?....a good old fashioned fist in the crook of his opposite elbow and a hardy "SCREW'EM"....there goes this years "parent of the year" award....we had high hopes...
Can I say kids have been great all week....but if I hear one more argument over who gets to push the buttons on the elevator I'll go mad! It's gotten so bad that Papa Smurf and I have actually had to forbid ANY of the kids from pushing any elevator buttons...Papa Smurf and I are now the official "elevator button operators"....sad...I know!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
The best day yet...spent the entire day at an inland beach area. The kids spent the day playing in the sand, swimming, and snorkeling. It was very shallow and so I was relaxed and enjoying my quiet time under a canopied lounge chair with a Long Island in one hand and my book "Eat, Pray, Love" in the other (excellent book by the way). I sat there watching my kids....Dreamy Smurf chasing sea gulls, Smurfette building a sand castle, and Hefty Smurf....well, just being Hefty Smurf and marveled at how much they have and how lucky they are. I'm feeling a little nastalgic...or maybe sentimental is a better word.... here....bare with me....but then again maybe it was just the Long Island talking. Papa Smurf and I were commenting on how awesome the kids have been all week...they've been playing so nice together. And with Smurfette being sick she's been awesome....going along with everything without complaint...well...with the exception of her multiple boo-boos on her sandals aren't agreeing with her feet.
So we're back at the hotel room washing up and getting ready for our dinner. We plan to take a taxi into the nassau shopping district tomorrow and eating an early dinner at the "Fish Fry" (our taxi driver from the airport, Dee-Dee, told us this was the place to go. We found out there's no Kid's Escape tonight so that'll hopefully be tomorrow night's plan. Probably better that way anyhoo since Smurfette woke up with 100.7 degree fever again this morning....ugh! Signing off for now.....
Monday, February 18, 2008
First 3 days in paradise
We arrived at the airport here at a little after 1pm on Saturday and it took us almost 3 hours to get back to our hour to get through customs and another hour to find our luggage and a transfer to the hotel. So by the time we got settled in our room we were all very travel weary and a little (to say the least) tired. So all we had the energy for was to grab a bite down on the boat docks village at Johny Rockets. Our bill was nearly $90 for burgers and salads....OMG! We roamed the resort a bit to see what all we had to look forward to and then called it a day by 7pm. But let me back track. We got to the hotel and received our adjoining rooms on the first floor right off the main lobby...which translates to "noisy". The second we walked through the doors of our rooms we were hit with the overwhelming stench of mold/mildew. It was bad! Real bad! But I thought...well, we're in the's humid here...moisture must be a problem. I remember being in Venice with my Grandparents back when I was 16 and was overwhelmed with the same odor...I didn't want to be that same complaining 16 year we tried to suck it up. We didn't have remote controls in EITHER room. Called the service desk and it took 4 hours to get remotes to our was 10:30 when they came pounding on the door to deliver....we were all asleep by then (or in bed anyway). Papa Smurf stumbled in the dark to get some clothes on to answer the door. But then trying to sleep was a nightmare because we were off the main lobby and listened all night long to the loud drunks roaming the hotel lobby in the weee hours of night...needless to say sleeping was difficult. Then, I woke up in the morning and my eyes were so bloodshot I was convinced I had pink eye and started to panic wondering what I would do for medical treatment. Turns out, it was just my allergies because of the mold problem in the room. Then, we try to make coffee and NEITHER room has a coffee machine. We had the coffee and creamers....but no coffee maker.....I started having flashbacks to our trip to Philly. Anyway...We were a tad disappointed in our stay thus far...I figured after the amount of money we spent on this vacation it was not unreasonable to expect a blissful me the bliss!! So we complained and asked for a new room.
Day 2
Went to the breakfast buffet in our hotel....$100 later....I was force-feeding my daughter her froot loops...that's all she'd eat....we paid $20 for her plate to the buffet and all she'd eat was a bowl of frootloops...she took 5 bites and claimed to be full! Most expensive damn bowl of cereal she'll ever eat. I spent the whole 1st 2 days comparison shopping...."Jesus, I could of bought 7 boxes of cereal for that $20"......or, in reguards to the $15 kiddie burger that Smurfette took 2 bites of at Johnny Rockets...."I could've bought 7 McDonald's kids meals for that". Since those 1st 2 meals that we purchased here on the Island we have learned to "let it go" is what it's killing me....but it is what it is. We've learned not to look at the prices. Day 2 was a blast...this resort is incredible! I've never experienced anything like it. We'll spend a week here and probably still not see everything. It's huge! Theres at least 2 dozen pools and a dozen water slides. The kids spent most of the day on the beach. They just kept repeating..."this is incredible"....Papa and Hefty Smurfs went on a few of the water slides...We spent some time in a few of the pools...we all got WAY too much sun. We were all pretty water logged by the end of the day. Somewhere in there Papa Smurf returned to the hotel while we were at the beach to move our stuff to our new room. Went to Dinner at a Mexican/seafood place down on the boat docks. Food was OK...nothing to write home about....and like I said, I've learned not to ask what it costs. Did some more exploring of the resort and then called it a night by 7:30. We were all whipped from the day at the beach. Our new room.... by the way......MUCH better! We were in a much better place by the end of day 2 than we were after day 1. The rooms are still just "OK" but the resort itself more than makes up for the mediocrity of the accommodations! Also looked into the "Evening Escape" for the should be called the "parent's escape" that Papa Smurf and I can have some alone time one night....or two....
Woke up after a VERY restful night's sleep =) and went outside of the resort for breakfast...much more reasonable in price...Smurfette's 5 bites of FrootLoops only costed $5 instead of $20...OK, so maybe I haven't "let it go" and Papa Smurf are completely fried from the sun but we spent another entire day in the pools and lazy rivers. Even talked Smurfette into taking a ride on the "rapid river"....probably not the best idea...she didn't enjoy it much. In fact she spent the entire mile and a half of "rapids" clutched to my legs in the intertube. Poor thing has been miserable since we got here with the same nasty cold I had. In fact, the day before we left she started complaining of a sore throat and I paniced thinking she probably had the same strep throat that I had and so 5 minutes before the doctors' office closed on Friday night I was calling and begging them to call in a prescription antibiotic to the pharmacy. I explained my predicament that we were leaving 1st thing in the morning for a week long vacation and my daughter was complaining of a sore throat...blah blah blah....and they did...thank god. But anyway, she has been pretty sick with this cold...but has been quite a trouper concidering! Papa Smurf & I were going to ship the kids off to this kids' camp thing tonight but when we got back to the room we discovered that she has a fever. She's pretty we put our plans on hold and decided to give her another day to get better. She was laying in bed earlier this evening and Papa Smurf went up to her and said:
Papa: OK honey you just lay there and rest....can I get you anything
Smurfette: yes...(with that pathetic sick look in her eyes)
Papa: OK...what can I get you?
Smurfette: ummmm.......i don't know.....
I thought that was pretty funny. We also made reservations for Friday to swim with the Dolphins....we're all very excited about that....and we also spent some time checkin out the aquariums.
So this is the end of day 3...having a great time so far. Plan on spending some time in a different part of the resort tomorrow where you can rent cayaks and paddle boats and snorkel stuff....maybe rent a jet ski for awhile...need to try to stay out of the sun somehow...or just keep the sunscreen on because Papa Smurf & I are a little crisp. The weather has been perfect. 80 and sunny everyday. We also hope to drop the kids off for a while so we can enjoy some time in the casino....maybe if we're lucky we can try doing that 2 nights in a row and sneak in a "nice" dinner and comedy show...we'll see if Smurfette cooperates.
Oh...also spent some time checking out the Detroit forcast.....LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Signing off for spell check isn't working so forgive the misspellings!
Friday, February 15, 2008
1) Woke up in the morning and found a very nice card and candy kisses (layed out in the shape of a sweet) from my hubby. Made me smile.
2) Realized early in the day that I seem to be over the hump of this strep throat / sinus infection...good drugs go a long way! I went to see the doc Wed. and he did a flu was negative....but he said my tonsils were "glowing and pussy" and suspected a sinus infection so he gave me a prescription for antibiotics. 24 hours later....feeling much better.....makes me smile!
3) I was sitting in the waiting room at the foot doctors office with the boys (Smurfette was still at school/daycare). Hefty Smurf was sitting in the seat behind me and just wrapped his arms around me from behind and rested his chin on my shoulder and just stayed there for a long time. I know that probably sounds rediculous but Hefty Smurf is 11 now and I don't get the affectionate snuggles with him anymore. It meant alot to me and made me smile.
4) Sitting in the room of same doctors office...Dreamy Smurf walked up to me....... farted .......and then walked to the other side of the room laughing....yeah I know it's disgusting but I busted out laughing and told him to "get back over here because the doctor's gonna walk in and take a wiff and think I did it!". Why would this make me smile? I have no idea, I guess because it's just so "Dreamy Smurf-Like" to be such a goof ball. =)
5) found out that Hefty is finally in the clear with the foot doctor and we no longer have to make our weekly visits....yeayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
6) Smurfette came running up stairs last night all excited while I was going through the boys' backpacks and says "MOMMY, COME QUICK, I HAVE SOMETHING SPECIAL TO SHOW YOU"....she was bouncing up and down and smiling and waving her arms I rush down stairs to see what the excitement is about and she leads me to her chalk board where she wrote "Smurfette Loves Mommy".... =)
7) I officially signed up for the Chicago Marathon! Payed the entry cost so there's no turning back now! =)
8) Got the majority of our packing done yesterday.... =)
9) Compared Sterling Heights extended forcast with Nassau's extended forecast..... =)
And I'll be smiling all day today because in less than 24 hours we will be above the clouds of Michigan on our way to peace, relaxation, and sunshine! Papa Smurf will be bringing his laptop so I hope to use this blog as my travel journal while we're gone...not sure if we'll be able to connect to the internet though. If I'm unable to blog while in Nassau I'll tell you all about it when I return. Have a great week!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
60 things
60 Things You Possibly Didn't Know About Me
1. What is in the back seat of your car right now? A full frozen container of McDonalds chocolate milk, empty McDonalds bags, 2 empty juicys, a few french fries, Jordyn's back pack, 2 gym bags, 3 pairs of gloves, 2 barbies, 3 game boy games, a pencil....that's just the list of things that I know of for sure....there's much much much more that I don't know about off the top of my head.
2. When was the last time you threw up? I honestly have NO idea....I'm not a throwy uppy kind of it's been a while. Years. Although, now that I've said that I'll probably throw up this afternoon.
3. What's your favorite curse word? hmmmm.....shit?
4. Name 3 people who made you smile today? I'll have to get back to you on this one....It's only 8:21 in the morning and I feel like shit so I haven't smiled yet!
5. What were you doing at 8 am this morning? Got on the computer to check emails
6. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? Pouring Smurfette a bowl of cereal
7. What will you be doing 3 hours from now? If I can get my butt moving this morning I'll be running errands (bank & book store) and getting Smurfette off to school
8. Have you ever been to a strip club? yep
9. What is the last thing you said aloud? Get a spoon.
10. What is the best ice cream flavor? Chocolate snickers blizzard
11. What was the last thing you had to drink? hazelnut coffee
12. What are you wearing right now? jammies
13. What was the last thing you ate? oatmeal
14. Have you bought any new clothing items this week? yep...bought a bunch of stuff for our trip
15. When was the last time you ran? Last week at the gym
16. What's the last sporting event you watched???? watched my boys at gymnastics last night
18. Who is the last person you emailed? The last email I sent was a forwarded message about a virus to everyone on my email address book last night.
19. Ever go camping? unfortunately yes
20. Do you have a tan? Not yet...but I will next week!
24. Do you drink your soda from a straw? If it's fountain pop....yes....otherwise no
25. What did your last IM say? I'm dying
26. Are you someone's best friend? I hope so
27. What are you doing tomorrow? Lets see ....tomorrow is Thursday....I'm taking Smurfette to school in the morning and assuming I'm feeling better I'm suppose to meet with my trainer for a work out. Then, I'm going to go get my toes done....can't wear sandals with these nasty feet as they are......then I'm going to the tanning booth to make sure I don't burn next week when we're basking in the sun....then I'll do some packing and some cleaning...then when the kids are all home from school I have to take Hefty Smurf to the foot doctor for what we hope will be the last visit...he had a plantars wart on his foot and has been going since November for weekly laser treatments....major pain....
28. Where is your mom right now? I assume she's at work.
29. Look to your left, what do you see? LOL....a camara bag, a phone, a desk lamp, a pencil sharpener, 2 coloring books, 2 crayons, a couple bills, an inflated balloon, a trash bag of clothes that I've been planning to list on ebay (they've been sitting there since before the holidays)....a plastic bag of books that my mom gave me over 6 monthes ago, a couple empty boxes of what used to contain computer parts, a box of computer paper, packing supplies, ebay boxes, dog carrier......I'll be here all day if I continue, so I'll just leave it at that!
30. What color is your watch? don't wear one
31. What do you think of when you think of Australia ? kangaroos
32. Would you consider plastic surgery? Yep
33. What is your birthstone? diamond
34. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit thedrive thru? depends...we do both...but more often than not we just hit the drive through....which is why my van looks the way it does.
35.How many kids do you want? 3!
36. Do you have a dog? yep
37. Last person you talked to on the phone? Papa Smurf
38. Have you met anyone famous? Don't think so
39. Any plans today? Yeah...I'm going to see the doc....and run a few errands....then take Smurfette and the boys to gymnastics. And hopefully get a little packing and cleaning done.
40. How many states have you lived in? one
41. Ever go to college? yep
42. Where are you right now? in my office
43. Biggest annoyance in your life right now? this cold or flu or whatever it is I have
44. Last song listened to? was watching the Ellen show this morning (that I taped from yesterday) and watched James Blunt perform a new song from his new CD...can't remember the name of the song though.
46. Are you allergic to anything? cats
47. Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time? I love all my shoes
48. Are you jealous of anyone? no
50. Is anyone jealous of you? I hope not
51. What time is it? 8:55....this is taking forever because I've had half a dozen interruptions since I started
52. Do any of your friends have children? yes
53. Do you eat healthy? yes. I eat healthy IN ADDITION to eating crap.
54. What do you usually do during the day? damage control
55. Do you hate anyone right now? no
56. Do you use the word 'hello' daily? Yes
58. How old will you be turning on your next birthday? 29
59. Have you ever been to Six Flags? I honestly don't know....I can't remember...maybe when I was like 5?
60. How did you get one of your scars? c-sections
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
pity post
Even though I feel I may possibly (quite certainly) be dying....we're still leaving on Saturday. So s--t still has to get done. Hubby says to me...."OMG I'm so excited I can't wait to reply was "I'll be excited when we get there...right now I'm just stressed about it".....his reply?...."STRESSED!? HOW CAN YOU BE STRESSED! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO TRAVEL!"....yeah ok buddy....all you have to do between now and Saturday is wake up Saturday morning to a limo escort! I'M THE ONE THAT HAS TO DO ALL THE WORK!! AND IT'S STRESSFUL! AND I'M SICK!!!!!! AND ALL I WANT TO DO IS CURL UP ON THE COUCH AND FEEL SORRY FOR MYSELF....BUT I CAN'T!
Monday, February 11, 2008


Thursday, February 7, 2008
Everyone has a scent
me: hey guys, do you know who this hat belongs to?
Hefty: no....let me see it
He then grabs the hat from me ...sticks his nose inside the hat and takes a huge wiff of it....hands it back to me and says "it's A's" (my nephew's)
me: how can you possibly know that by sniffing it
Hefty: everyone has a scent and I know everyone's smells like Aidan
Me: I just stared at him with a look of doubt and bewilderment
Hefty: (sensing my doubt and with a very matter-of-fact look on his face) I'll bet you anything it's A's
sure enough - I called my SIL to see if A is missing a hat - the hat is indeed my nephew's.
Hefty has done this before....after a party we found a shirt someone left at our house....I asked the kids if they knew who it belonged to and Hefty identified it as one of his friend's shirts by sniffing it. That's just not normal!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Are you gonna put some make-up on?
S: uh, mom.... are you gonna help in my class today?
me: yep
S: and are you going to put normal clothes on?
me: laughing - why whats wrong with what I have on?
S: your clothes need to match mom.(with a look like...duhhh)
me: my clothes do match
S: why don't you wear the shirt you had on yesterday.
me: why? it's dirty now...I just wore it.
S: because it's pretty & I like it. & you need some make-up too.
OMG...where does she get this?! This was her 5 y/o way of saying "uh look like shit right now and if you think for one second you're going to come to my classroom in front of all my friends looking like THAT you're sorely mistaken!"
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Talking Horses Happy Land
Speaking of dreams...I've been having some very vivid dreams lately. I usually don't remember my dreams but this past week I've woken up remembering every last detail. Last night I had a dream that I was on our girls trip...I was trying to do my hair but my hair was like shaka khan's...thick, poofy, curly and other words....AWEFUL! And I had to go to the bar with this head full of nastiness. While we were at the bar we ran into 2 guys that we went to highschool with...can't even remember their names....Stefanowski was one of their last names...and I can't remember what the other one's name was....but how those 2 ended up in my dream I will never know...I never hung out with them in high school and haven't seen them since. Crazy.
We had Dreamy's 3rd Grade winter concert last night. He was like a stone statue up their...his lips were moving but not a single facial expression or movement. Hefty said "Dreamy is in his talking horses happy land"....talking horses?...."yeah, happy land always has talking horses".....LOL! Dreamy Smurf didn't have his glasses with him ....they broke last week and are now being repaired....HE didn't break them....his MOTHER broke them....but that's another every now and then we'd get a squinty smile with a wave. Meanwhile, his friends R and D were on either side of him dancing and jamming to the music they were singing. It was pretty comical!
Went to the gym again this morning and had my second (of 4) personal training session...I'm going once a week for a month. The goal is to get my butt back in shape before training begins for Chicago. I know once a week isn't going to cut it but she gives me homework for the week. I didn't want to commit to more than 4 sessions....just wanted someone to help me jump start the work outs. Holy crap. She's killing me. Nicole is her name and she's one of these perky, pretty, happy perfect shape and always smiling....she even has dimples for cry'n out loud. She tells me today (with a smile and a giggle) that she had a huge house fire...(smile smile giggle giggle) the furnace started a fire that ran through all the duct work (smile smile giggle giggle) and smoked them out of their house...she had an adjuster at her house that originally told her that her insurance wouldn't cover the damage..... :::giggle giggle::: ....OMG! She's actually a very tough and good personal trainer if I could just get past the smiling giddiness thing. She's probably good for me....maybe she'll rub off on me. Anyway, she kicked my butt today. I doubt I'll be able to lift my arms over my head tomorrow. My upper body is so rediculously weak. But I'm gonna change that! I'm gonna be buff by April....LMAO....can't even type that with a straight face!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Happy Birthday Dreamy Smurf
We're having the family over for dinner for Dreamy's birthday. It should be a fun filled evening. We all have a lot of catching up to do...I'm sure there's some new developements on Grandma's bowel patterns that we'll all need to know...LMAO!
Speaking of which...I was surfing the internet looking for "smurf stuff" for the boys for Easter. The boys at gymnastics all have nick names for each other and my boys are "papa smurf" and "smurfling"...the funny thing is they've never watched a single smurf episode and I'm not even sure they knew who the smurfs were before the older boys started calling them this...but anyhoo...I I was surfing around looking for shirts, smurf figurines, stuffed animals, etc(they're into having their "good luck charms" at the meets in their gym bags so I thought little smurf stuffed animals would be cute)...I came across a funny shirt that said "if you choke a smurf what color does it turn?" know I have to get it. But anyway, I'm sure you're wondering what on earth all this has to do with Grandma's bowel patterns....during my internet search for smurf stuff I came across a shirt that said "Ask me about my explosive diarrhea"....I laughed so damn hard I nearly peed my pants...the first thing that popped into my head was a picture of my Grandma in this shirt...that shirt was meant to be hers..if only I had the balls to give it to her.
The above entry was from's now Sunday...I was interupted while typing and so never got around to publishing yesterdays post so I'll just add to it. Had a nice visit with the family last night. Dreamy Smurf has been glued to the TV ever since last night watching one Monk episode after another. That's one of the gifts we got him...season 1 and 2. We somehow almost made it through the evening without bowel patterns coming into the topic of conversation...but in the middle of a conversation about politics a picture of Grandma with that T Shirt popped into my head and I started busting a everyone was wondering what I was laughing at and it was like my own private little joke so when I finally caught my breath enough to tell Grandma about the shirt she didn't think it was as funny as I did. She just couldn't appreciate the humor in it. Oh well. I still think it's hilarious!
Here's one for you Kelly. Try analysing THIS dream that I had last night...and no....I swear on my kids lives I'm not making this up....
I was on Kelly and Randy's front porch just finishing up washing their windows...(I don't even wash my own windows, so much for not dreaming things you wouldn't do in real life) I had to use the rest room....desperately....but they weren't home and their front door was locked. But there just happened to be a little tykes potty training chair on the front porch and so I just dropped trow right there on their porch and proceeded to relieve myself on the potty chair...but then Randy walks out from the side of the garage and gets in his car...while I'm sitting on the potty chair and looks at me...says "oh, sorry" and drives away...I'm still sitting on the potty chair and Randy's brother drives up in the driveway...I'm convinced Randy called his brother laughing and says "hey hurry up and go drive by my house Tammy's going to the bathroom right on my porch"....and that was it...LMAO...OMG...I think I may need a shrink!