"Take a picture of me Hopping like a bunny"

"Take a picture of me acting like Hannah Montana"
"Take a picture of my muscles"
And then the boys got jealous and decided they wanted to participate...
Look at these two little studs of mine! LOL!
I went back to the lounge chair to read and Smurfette joins me and asks if she can share my seat with me. We squeezed in and she says...
"Mama, can we chat"
Me: LOL..."sure, what would you like to chat about"
Smurfette: "I don't know. It's nice out today isn't it?...the birds sound pretty."
Me: "It sure is, I missed this nice weather"
Smurfette: She jumps up from her seat and says "OOO... MAMA LOOK ....THAT STUPID BIRD IS BACK!!" She points up in the tall pear tree that is right next to the patio.
And sitting on the very top of the tree is indeed that "stupid bird"....
One lonely cardinal.
No, I don't condone the "S" word in my house but there truly is no other appropriate adjective to describe this stupid bird. And this "stupid" bird is back!
All last summer this bird tormented us.
The tree that I just mentioned is beside our patio and near our master bedroom window. This bird would start at the butt crack of dawn and continuously body slam himself into our bedroom window....
It would begin at 6am in the morning ....
Now, you all know by now that I've been on this happiness quest of mine for quite some time but this "STUPID" bird was messing with me at 6 am in the morning....I think I've also mentioned that I'm not the most pleasant person in the world when I can't sleep....This "STUPID" bird was preventing my happiness....toying with me and my happiness at 6 am in the morning..... EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING!
We were kind'a hope'n he'd body slam himself one too many times and knock the stupidness out of himself....but this didn't happen......So I googled "stupid bird syndrome" (ie. why is this stupid bird body slamming into my window at the butt crack of dawn and waking my ass up)....and the first thing I read suggested I purchase and place a fake owl somewhere near the tree....it'll scare the bird away....
So we did. I purchased this ugly plastic owl and put it outside our bedroom window so we could
It didn't work. My bird was too stupid to scare.
The next morning at 5:59 am he started again....
over and over and over and over and over again.....
....Until I was leaning over my husband in bed with my head spinning, eyes rolled to the back of my head, and teeth clenched shut and I grabbed his kahunas and I said with my best "Chuckie" impersonation "shoot that bird or I'll dismember you".....
RELAX! I didn't actually say that....but that's what I was thinking.....
So we googled "stupid bird syndrome" again and discovered that this charming cardinal was chasing his reflection in the window because he thought it was another bird and he was protecting his territory....which explains why this all started after we washed all the windows....
We ended up having to buy a netting to tape over the window so this bird couldn't see it's reflexion. We then became the "stupid neighbors with the ugly netting taped to their window"...
It worked for awhile....until....he started seeing himself in my great room window....UGH!
This bird is back and nesting in our tree again....
We've already washed the windows....
It's only a matter of time.....
I'm not above hiring a hit man....
HA! That is a funny story. You poor. However, you should feel incredibly lucky that you get to sleep until 6am. I regularly get up that early, after a full night of feeding a restless baby.
Buy your boys some wrist rockets. Great slingshots. That bird loses a couple tail feathers, he'll learn.
Nukie Howser
Blog Hoppin
You know...
There wil come a time where they wont ask for there picture to be taken.
LOL. I always take pictures of EVRYTHING they ask me too.
Can they stop growing for a weekend?
I was going to post a bunch of suggestions on how to deal with this problem and then it occured to me that PETA people might be lurking in the blogosphere. No cats in the neighborhood to "befriend" the bird???
I love the pictures. Thanks for stopping by my blog. My daughter loves to act like Hannah Montana,and last spring we had a bird outside of our window that would NOT go away. good luck!
That is HILARIOUS!! Don't let that stupid bird get you down on your quest!
By the way, your daughter is just BEAUTIFUL!! And your boys... oh my!! Can I have some of those muscles? Seriously!!
Clearly, this is a sign, a lesson to women everywhere really, that you shouldn't wash windows.
PS- I just realized you weren't on my blogroll even though I was visiting everyday. Tsk, tsk.
Christy - you're absolutely right! Thank you for reminding me that it can always be worse.
nukedad- wrist rocket aye?...sounds interesting & I'd be all over it if I could trust that my kids wouldn't be sneaking them into school to attack unsuspecting teachers.
ohmommy- amen sista!
Kristen - who r the PETA people and should I be worried? If they didn't like this post I'm guessing #23-26 of my 100 things about me post didn't go over so well.
Marni- Thank You! =) I keep trying to persuade their gym coach to let us parents join their gymnastics practices...but he wont budge...something about a insurance liability...humph!
domestic- tsk indeed! you've been on mine for quite some time now! But better late than never...I'm quite honored to occupy a space on your blogroll! =)
Jordyn is beautiful! I think the last time I saw her was a few holidays ago when she wanted nothing to do with Santa Claus in the basement :)
Oh come on' Tammy, just buy a BB gun and be done with it!
(Not very PETA of me, huh?)
That bird wants in, he just wants to be part of such a wonderful family....open the damn window!!!
Your little girl looks just like you. We had a yellow finch do this against our bedroom window until he killed himself. Did you know that cardinals mate for life? Get him a Mrs. Cardinal and then maybe he would be too busy for your window.
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