Saturday, September 20, 2008

Well....wasn't THAT fun....

I tried to turn off the comments. I tried to turn them off because although I believe most of you out there are kind and rational human beings I KNEW there would be that ONE person out there that would be insulting and UNkind. And of course I was right.

And as much as I would love to just let this go.......and be the bigger person......


Yeah right!!!!!!!!!!!!

Most comments were very supportive and understanding. I appreciate that. Thank you.

I tried personally emailing many of you to reply back with a "thank you", an explanation, a clarification, or a hardy "FUCK YOU" but so many of them didn't go through that I'm just gonna reply to some of them right here on my post.

Some of the comments and emails are in reply is in black.....

You're Hot when you talk politics! Love Randy

***fanning my blushing cheeks*** Ummm...Randy, there is a very large part of me that is quite flattered. =) That part of me says "I love you man"......The remaining part of me has to say that this comment, coming from a man who would no doubt find Chinese-sumo-wrestling-porn "Hot", is just a little disturbing....but I still "love you man".....

Hey Mama Smurf - I'm neither republican or democrat because I can't vote - but if people quit reading your blog over a difference of opinion, they aren't people you want reading your blog anyway! Just because they don't agree with your politics doesn't mean you can't be friends. You did get me curious though - and unless you make over $608,000 a year (what do I know maybe you do) you won't pay a dime more in taxes than you do now.

Not true. He wants to raise taxes for any house hold salaries above.....oh wait....if I give you the number then I'm apparently shoving my family's income in everyone's lets just say that the income is significantly lower than the $608,000 that you suggested.

bahamamama is bang on. We don't care about your money or your political affiliations. We can be friends even if you do make a kazillion dollars, just don't put in our faces. OK? We love your blog rich or poor darling! Karen
While I certainly do appreciate your bloggy love I feel compelled to say that.....
1) If all you got from that post was the belief that I'm trying to shove my family's well fare in everyone's faces then either a) I failed miserably at getting my point across, or b) you have issues. And since I'm unsure which of those is true....I'll try again....
I didn't point out the fact that my family pays a ridiculous amount in taxes to shove it in anyone's face but to point out that while Biden would have the world believing that my husband and I are dead-beat Americans who aren't significantly supporting our country the truth is we give significantly more to this country than most. We've already given our right arm and now unless we also give our left one then we apparently aren't stepping up to the plate to do our "patriotic duty."
2) I find it interesting that Biden can insult my family's patriotism no questions asked....but my defending my family's patriotism is viewed as putting our comfortable-ness in your face.
3) If I were trying to shove my family's income and well fare in anyone's face I would have started spewing credentials and job titles and charitable causes like the person in the comment on.....
You were smart as to not allow comments on your political rant. I am sure it escaped you in your hate filled diatribe (I'll say it again, interesting that Biden can insult my family's patriotism but my defense is viewed as a "hate filled diatribe") at the way taxation in a democracy works, so we will allow that indiscretion pass and continue to read your blog. (how kind of you....truly....) We are sure that you continue to use the public highways, schools, parks and other lovely things that this country affords you to do. By the way, we all work our asses off and my husband makes a good buck himself. I might even wager that as a director of finance in a multi national communication firm that he hauls in more than most.Here is where you and I differ my dear: (OK...let's here it "hon"....Have I ever mentioned on this blog that one of my biggest pet peeves is being called "My Dear"...or "sweety"....or "honey" complete strangers who are being quite condescending and patronizing....just so you name is Mama Smurf) I keep it to myself,and refuse to shove it down peoples throats how successful he is. (ummm....I'm pretty sure you just made yourself look like a complete much for keeping it to yourself....) I love this country and proudly work to 50 hours a week in a low paying job, but a job that I love to do. Working for a huge charity gives me great joy.Although we paid in income tax and property tax well over $80K last year, we take pride in the fact that it supported so many worthwhile public projects. I am happy to pay taxes and I wish we could do more to help others.We are at a point in our lives where we have been successful and fortunate enough to allow me to be a SAHM while our kids grew (I just went back to work) and it pleases us to no end to continue to give others a leg up whenever we can. (Your martyr-dom is really quite nauseatingly admirable....**sticking my finger down my throat and gagging just a little**) Your selfish attitude puts you in a place almost by your lonesome in this day an age. (We also paid over 80K in taxes and I never once complained....or felt that I shouldn't have to's not the amount of taxes that we paid that pisses me off's this belief of entitlement that pisses me off....this Marxist belief that my family SHOULD pay more to bridge the gap in America by paying an even HIGHER percentage of taxes than we already do. My family is FAR from selfish. It's all over the media that in the last 10 years Biden has never given more than 0.001% of his yearly income to charitable causes. Do I begrudge him for that? No! Do I bash him for that? No! It's his CHOICE. My husband and I give FAR more to family, friends, strangers, church and charities of OUR CHOICE than the very man who claims that WE are not stepping up to the plate to do our "patriotic duty." So it seems you're not alone in your hypocrisy.) Get a grip on reality and realize that it is cooperation that is needed in turbulent times. The financial greedy (if wanting to put MY family first....MY three children first.....and THEIR college education and future security first makes me greedy....then so be it...I'll proudly wear that title....Hello, my name is Mama Smurf, and I am greedy) are subordinate.Anne CCA

And last but not least....

Bah. People will stop reading you for this?

Darling, I am a registered member of the Green party. The Green Party. (My previous comment about my pet peeve does not apply to you since you are actually being kind and constructive in your's MY blog and I make the rules =) And this post doesn't bother me in the least. It's perfectly legitimate to not want to give over money, which is labour, to someone else. It is perfectly legitimate to feel like that is unfair, and to be disappointed when someone questions, in a total non-sequtur (to use my son's quote...."big words hurt my brain"....I actually looked that word up in the dictionary...sequtur....yes, I'm a dork....and it's not there....but it sure sounded he said!), your patriotism for not wanting to put strangers before family.

Our political differences, yours and mine, lie simply in that I want a different unfair world than you do. Anyone trying to sell themselves as providing the fair answer is lying, and that's what bothers me most about politics.

I will not stop reading you. Keep writing whatever the hell you want on your blog, political or otherwise.


Shawn, I love you. I don't know you. But I love you. I love you for being a rational human being and not personally attacking me for sharing different beliefs. I love you for proving to me that there are SANE and psychologically stable people in this world who don't view my differing beliefs as a personal attack. I love you for stating in a very articulate way what I have inarticulately been trying to say for......forever.....

I would NEVER bash or personally attack someone for sharing different political beliefs. I realize that every one of us supports the candidate that we believe will focus on issues that are of greatest concern to us.

That is all.....

You may now continue with your regularly scheduled program.

I will turn comments back on. But be warned....any and ALL personal attacks on me and my family will be deleted. That's not to say that your CONSTRUCTIVE opposing views are not welcome. They are.


Backpacking Dad said...

I misspelled "sequitur".


And I love you too; you know, in a blog-love kind of way.


LittlePaintedPolkaDots said...

Oh my gosh! My blood is boiling at these bafoons (however you spell it) that get so riled up over your personal views, beliefs, feelings. I am getting riled up because you are my family. That will be my reasoning! Ugh! I love your witty responses to said baffoons (in case it is two f's, I got it right this time.) That one girl was a complete douche! Yeah, I know how to spell that one. Ugh!

**By the way, where did there comments come in?

LittlePaintedPolkaDots said...

Can I please state that I realize the correct spelling should have been "their", not "there"?

Kelly said...

Tammy damn it! Can we all go to lunch already!

Anonymous said...

Hey - mine was a nice comment! Why did I end up on the bad list??

Mama Smurf said...

Lisa, Some were left on the post prior to that one, "Devine intervention at it's best" and others were sent via email....backpacking dad's was via email.

Kelly, Yes - does Wednesday work for you?

Kelly said...

WOW!!! I guess it goes to show you people will read comments any old way they want to, and refuse to see the real issue at hand. 1st - Talking politice or religion is difficult considering everyone has such strong feelings attached to both. That being said, the last time I checked the taxes these wonderful people pay afford them freedom of speech as if you don't like the comments....MOVE ON!!!! 2nd - Where did anyone read they are angry with paying taxes or shoving income in the readers faces??? The comments of JB regarding patriotism is what created the stir. I'm with you Tammy, and I'm one of those people that makes less than you pay in taxes!!! You guys deserve every penny you make and are EXTREMELY giving!!! We all control our own future. Maybe we should look at that being the real issue - Too many people living off handouts and favors (yes I'm stealing a Kid Rock line!)instead of working hard to change their OWN unfortunate situation. Instead of fighting people that were intelligent enough and motivated enough to make their way through a difficult economy, maybe we should be fighting issues like health care, rising gas prices, the cost of the war....need I go on!?! Oh Wait....These are probably Tammy's fault TOO!!!! We all have our own views, if you agree or disagree with me I really don't care! Just felt the need to defend two GREAT people and their familiy!!!

Mama Smurf said...

bahama mama - That wasn't the "bad list" LOL...just the list of comments that I wanted to reply back too. Thank you for your kindness. =)

Kelly said...

Ooops, comments were from me Tammy - Kel is only worried about you guys getting together for lunch!!! LOL


Mama Smurf said...

You rock Randy.

BTW...Dan and I were out looking for stuff for our house last week and decided we need you to come be our interior decorator.

Kelly said...

And I'll take that job to better my OWN future!!! Oh Wait - is it a paying job??? LOL

Love you guys!!!

David said...

I loved the post but of course did not comment as they were turned off.
I did want you to know that I followed your marathon blog as my wife is battling Leukemia and did the Nike Womens marathon in San Fran with Team in Training, while briefly in remission in 2005.
She still battles as it keeps coming back.
Even after a full stem cell transplant, it came back full bore last week!
With her this week in the hospital fighting for her life, I find it hard to get into a philosophical/political discussion with anyone.
I like your point of view, and agree that we need to put family first. I also appreciate what you wrote in your Marathon blog.
Keep up the good work!


Anonymous said...

I think we all want the samethings- safety, affordable healthcare, housing, etc for every American but can't agree on the methods to get there. I would gladly, happily, joyfully pay more taxes if I thought the government would spend the money wisely, and it would go to helping people. Unfortunately, I don't see one governmental system that works efficiently and frugally. Unfortunately, I believe it would be throwing my husband hard work right into the pockets of a politician. No matter who is president.

Maude Lynn said...

The comments were turned off when I visited, so I didn't get to say, "Speak your mind, Tammy!"

I guess people who never want to read a differing opinion should just read their own blog posts over and over!

LittlePaintedPolkaDots said...

I need a photography class too! I also need that fancy shmansy lens and photo-editing program. I started small, with just the camera. All my old stuff is...old. Ya know, requires film -actual film!

David said...

thank you for your warm kind comments. It means much to me. I so enjoy your posts and look forward to them.
I hope you continue to work with Team in training if you get the opportunity. We have raised a lot of money up here for them, and continue our efforts.
Your blog is amazing!


Anonymous said...

Why can't we all just get along? It is your blog, and you call the shots. I appreciate people posting their frank point of views on blogs, so atleast I can get a real idea of what people are thinking and consider everyone's opinions and logic when making my own.

Suzie said...

Im sorry that happened to you. As my son would say Not Nice I dont like it! By the way I agree with your views completely but even if I didnt not nice to attack you

Maude Lynn said...

And, tag!

April said...

Hey there - I wasn't able to comment to your post, so I'm not sure what I missed. But I did want to tell you - you know we disagree, but I won't stop reading yours just because of that. I hope that we can learn from each other and at least have some understanding of where each other is coming from. Or, just agree to disagree (as is the point my father and I have reached).

Kori said...

Fer shiz, I can't even remember if I commented on that one. If I did 9and I am way too lazy to go back and check, to be honest) then the "bah" one sounds like something I would say. You should email that one bitch and tell her that this underserving poor person would like to be her charitable donation for the year. Really. Becuase if she wants to rub into other people's faces how "blessed" and "firtunate" or whatever else then she should really just bless me as well. Just sayin'. :)

EatPlayLove said...

You know, I have been so torn up about the attacks on all sides in this election. But I do have to have a say, I think it's fair, maybe you'll disagree.

One of the things that saddens me most about people's perspectives against obama is that he wants to take our hard earned money. Here's the numbers laid out. Gosh, you must be one lucky lady if you're hubby is making that kind of dough, that's all I have to say.

I feel like "the good ol' boys" have been robbing us for years. Our country is so riddled in debt. I worry about the legacy we are leaving our kids. Is all the debt and China owning it's fair share in the USA more important than feeling like we aren't overpaying our hard earned money. Kinda strange isn't it?

OHmommy said...

Your blog. You can DELETE anything. I have and I will. HUGS!