Saturday, May 10, 2008

Thou shalt not.....blacken the broccoli?

I have to set boundaries for myself. I attempted to do this a couple months back by enforcing blogging "rules". These rules are developed on an "as need" basis.

For example, Rule #1 was enforced after almost setting my house on fire when trying to blog during meal preparation.

The "blackened broccoli" didn't go over so well with the family.

And I became a wee bit concerned for my family's safety when on a second occasion I turned Chicken breasts into hockey pucks because I was completely consumed by some stranger's story in blog land.

I don't even know these people....and yet.....the need to keep updated on their lives and daily blog entrees has somehow taken the place of my better judgement and common sense.

Thus, rule #1 was born. No Blogging during meal preparation. If stove or oven are on....the computer must be off.

That rule was enforced shortly after I discovered this blog land a couple months ago....February? maybe?

And I've slowly fallen off that wagon. In the same way that I imagine a recovering heroin addict falls off the wagon. Saying to myself "just one fix"....."one fix won't hurt anyone"....and then I get the withdrawal shakes and so the next day it becomes two "fixes" and then three and before you know it you're back in rehab....or....setting the house on fire again.

Friday morning Smurfette and I were preparing Paula Deen's French Toast Casserole for our playdate. (All of you must make this's delicious!) I put the dish in the oven, noted the time, calculated when it should come out (45 minutes later), and then RUSHED to the computer to get Flashback Friday's post typed up and posted before my company carried away into blog land and forgot about the oven.

An hour later Smurfette yells from the kitchen...."Mommy isn't breakfast done yet?"

OH GEEZ, I forgot!

Run to the kitchen and pull breakfast from oven 10 minutes late....Still looks's not black...that's daughter saved the day.

I RUSHED back into the office to continue reading the blog I was in the middle of.

Fifteen minutes later Smurfette says "Mommy, you shouldn't leave the oven on or a fire is going to start".

OMG I forgot to turn the oven off. How did my daughter even know it was still on.

I'm out of control. I'm now relying on my 5 year old to keep this family safe....and my house from burning down. And honestly, I have no excuse because I now have a laptop. I could even blog right in my kitchen while meals are being prepared....but old habits die hard. I love my laptop but sometimes there's something to be said for the quiet comfort of my home office.

Just yesterday I posted a rant because I was feeling a little overwhelmed with this week's activities. The truth is....if I could get my ass off this computer I'd be much less overwhelmed and much more productive.

Like right now. It's Friday afternoon as I type this draft for tomorrow's post and Smurfette is at school. It's warm and sunny outside right now and my landscaping could use some TLC and instead of enjoying the fresh air outside I'm my office....typing.....

That's it.......

I'm done........

I'm going outside.......

by myself....

...with my laptop....


Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

OH, I laugh because I can relate. :O) Just the other day I found myself wondering, "Hmm...I wonder how far outside the wireless will reach..."

Anonymous said...

I love reading your posts. And I do recognize how addicting it can be. BTW: it's Saturday night and I just got done putting together the French Toast Casserole for Sunday morning. Ever since you posted about it, I haven't been able to get it out of my mind.

christy said...

The internet is so addicting. I was just reading a similar post over here -

Marni's Organized Mess said...

I SO FEEL YOUR PAIN. Thanks for giving me a good laugh while I too should be doing other things. ;-)

Lori said...

this made me laugh. I totally hear you on the... just let me finish reading this one thing... and one turns to 10 and then!