Saturday, May 31, 2008
Reusable Bag Etiquette
Friday, May 30, 2008
Fitness Friday

And now it's not gonna happen today because today is Smurfette's preschool graduation day and then I'm going out for the evening with a couple friends to do some scrapbooking. Hopefully, I'll be able to get back on track this coming week.
And today is day #4 without smoking for both my husband and I.
Feel free to join in on Fitness Friday....if anyone else is interested in being accountable to bloggy land I'll post a mister linky.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
My Ugliest Year!
My second week participating in Kristen's weekly Fro Me To You carnival.
I'm getting brave.....VERY brave.....
Pictures from 1985. I was 13 in this picture below. This was the year I was allowed to start wearing make-up. (Note to self and other mothers of girls....PLEASE teach your darling daughter how to apply make-up before letting her walk out of your house!)

The picture below has been edited to protect the identity of two girls I no longer keep in touch with. They were friends at the time. We used to have sleep overs and do each other's hair and make up and get all dressed up like fashion models and then pose for pictures. We were delusional.
On Another Note....
Wanna know what happens when you quit smoking?
You eat!
Wanna know what happens when you eat?
You gain weight!
Wanna know what happens when you start to gain weight because you quit smoking?
You wanna smoke again!
It's a vicious cycle.
It's been approximately 62 hours and 23 minutes since my last cigarette and I've already gained 2 pounds.
I need to stop eating.
I made brownies for breakfast....
And for lunch I ate leftovers from breakfast....
I need to replace this Freudian "oral fixation" with a more constructive sit-ups, or push-ups....something....
Keep praying for me....
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
New Dos, New Puppies, and New Lungs!
On another note I've found our puppy! And I, devil that I am, talked Kelly & Randy into getting our puppy's brother. She's a Havanese/Shitzu mix....aka. Havashu. We're driving down to Indiana together Saturday to pick them up. The puppy in the first two photos is our little girl and the last two photos is her brother and will be Kelly and Randy's little boy.

We lost power for a couple hours last night so I decided to go through the naming process the same way we did when we named Gracie. I googled "puppy names" (on my Voyager phone...we had no computer) and found several sites and just started jotting down all the girl puppy names that I liked. I ended up with about 30-40 names. Then, We (the 5 of us) all sat down and started taking turns, youngest to oldest, eliminating names one by one until we were left with our last two favorites. Now we'll wait until she's here to decide on the final name. The last two names left were Rosie and Foxie. Most of us were partial to Rosie but my daughter had a fit cause she wants Foxie. What do YOU think?
My wonderful husband is having a difficult time with all this. He feels we're being disrespectful to Gracie's memory by getting another dog so soon after Gracie's death. He feels the least we can do for Gracie is mourn her for a couple weeks before "replacing her." Don't get me wrong, he wants a new puppy too, he's just having a hard time because it's so soon after we lost Gracie. I keep trying to explain to him that we're not "replacing" Gracie....we're just trying to fill that void in our home with a little joy. So what are your thoughts on this? Is there a proper mourning time for dogs?
And now on another note. I'm making myself accountable to blog land. My hubby and I are trying to quit smoking again. I haven't smoked since Monday evening. It's been a whole 34 hours since our last cigarette. I'm not doing pills this time....we're doing the lozenges instead. Say a prayer!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Update: Tawny, Brady, and Brianna are no longer available ~ UGH! I was really wanting Tawny.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Moment for Me ~ Week 6
Saturday, May 24, 2008
It's a sad sad day.....
Friday, May 23, 2008
Tiny Black Square Nipple Boobies?
For those who didn't see it...the episode was about people with OCD and a camp for OCDness that they went to .....apparently to OCDify themselves. As part of the camp therapy they spend all day for three days subjected to those things that are their biggest fears.
Most of them were OCD about germs in one form or another. One guy hadn't sat on a toilet in years because he was afraid the germs would kill him.... he relieved himself in his yard instead. Another woman spent 5 hours every day disinfecting her house. I really wish I could relate.... I think I could use a touch of OCD in my life.
Anyway, they spent their three days in camp doing nasty things to get them over their germophobia.... Touching... no, I'm sorry, not just touching, but RUBBING their hands along the inside rim of the toilet and then licking their fingers. K. That's just gross. I don't have OCD and there is no way in hell they'd get me to do that. Or rubbing their hands in the inside of trash dumpsters and then licking their fingers. I know drastic times call for drastic measures....but....there just HAS to be a better way!
Anyway, that wasn't the purpose of this post.....
So I'm done making dinner and had forgotten about the TV. The recording was over and had stopped on the playback status screen and I hadn't realize it because I was only half watching it to begin with. So I called everyone to the table for dinner. And was talking to the kids about their day at school when out of no-where Hefty Smurf (my 11 year old) says.....
"!.....can we please change the channel on the TV?"
HUH?.......I turn around and this...... what was on the TV.
A couple of square nippled boobies advertising breast enlargements for the bargain price of $2488.
Even Oprah isn't safe...Oprah commercials have turned rated R. Oh, I'm sorry, My mistake..... it's not rated R because they thought to put black squares in place of the brown circled nipples.....that makes all the difference ya know.
Please don't misunderstand me. I'm not freaking out because my kids saw a couple boobies. I'm not from the breed of mothers who freak out because my kids saw a little boobie on TV.....or saw two adults kissing on TV......I'm from the breed that thinks if you make a big deal out of that stuff then it will beCOME a big deal. point is.....Seriously?.......what's up with the little black squares? They show an entire boobie on the screen but because they put a tiny black square over the tiny brown's ok? I mean who makes these rules?! Of course my kids thought this hilarious and gross and intriguing all in the same breath.... laughing, staring, and EWing for the next 10 minutes before it occurred to me to shut the TV off. I'm a good mom like that.
On another note.
My daughter came across the photo I scanned and posted in yesterday's post of her and Dreamy Smurf playing in the grass. She brings the photo to me and says...
"Mama, is this when Dreamy used to like me?"
How sad is that ya'll. It broke my heart that my little girl thinks her big brothers don't like her. Sometimes (most of the time) they are the best big brothers in the world ....but there are times....and apparently those are the times that stick in her brain.....that they are quite intolerant and mean. I told her that Dreamy and Hefty LOVE her and showed her pictures of when she was born and her brothers were holding her and loving her and SMILING at this new member of our family. But she wasn't buying it.
Then, shortly after this, she had a little play date with her friend from pre-school. This is the first play date with this particular friend. This was yesterday afternoon while the boys were still at school. They were sitting at the kitchen table and playing dolls and Smurfette asks me "Mom, when will the boys be home?"....."In about an hour" I answered. "And when is A going home?" Again, I answered "In about an hour". I then overheard her tell her friend...
"I really hope you get to meet my boys....they are SO cute and REALLY funny."
She's oozing with pride for "her boys" but thinks they don't like her!
That. just. breaks. my. heart.
I'm gonna have to have a long talk with "her boys"!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
4 things meme


Dig'n Mickey's crib
Palm Springs
This photo was taken on our cruise

Smurfette and her big brother Dreamy Smurf loving each other....This was taken in September of 2003....this is one of my all time favorite pictures.

3. That year in August we went on a family trip to Myrtle Beach.
The 3 handsome men in my life...Dreamy Smurf, Papa Smurf, and Hefty Smurf
Hefty and Dreamy

2. Oprah
Monday, May 19, 2008
Tackle it Tuesday

I'm still in the basement for this week's tackle.
Remember this photo?
This was the before picture from last week.
This was the after. Still couldn't stand all the clutter surrounding the TV so I made a trip to IKEA to find something to solve that problem.
Here's the after picture. I Love my IKEA purchase but I wish that piece were sold in an oak color. Oh well.
I also bought one for the kitchen areal.
Another part of my tackle was listing all the miscellaneous pieces of furniture in my basement on Craigslist. I listed all 5 pieces on Sunday afternoon and the last of them are leaving my home today.
I can't believe how fast they go on Craigslist. The stove was gone within 2 hours of listing it. The ugly cheap computer desk was picked up a few hours later by a man who I think could quite possibly be the world's happiest man. He was entirely too happy to have purchased this ugly computer desk of mine....
I half expected him to start jumping up and down and clapping his hands. And when he called to inquire about the desk he asked if it was still available....I said "yep"....and he then says..."OMG I'm so in love with you".....those were his EXACT WORDS! Followed by a few awkward moments as I'm sure he realized what just came out of his mouth. I'm sorry have we met? What a freak! He picked the computer desk up driving an old Impala. My husband was trying to help this man force this computer desk into his car....the drawer falls out and slams on the concrete. "No problem, no problem man....I got it".... Cling cling pling,.....more metal of unknown purpose clangs to the concrete. "No problem at all I'll fix that right up...Gosh I just LOVE Craigslist you find the coolest treasures on there?" OMG are you high? This man just called this ugly computer desk a treasure? Hey, who am I to argue. A treasure it is. Where's my $10.00.
The book cases and TV stand will be making their way out this morning. It took less than 48 hours to get my junk sold. I'm done with garage sales and ebay! Craigslist is much easier.
Moments for Me Monday - week 5

Moment #2
Friday evening I went to a friends house to do some scrapbooking and got hooked on Creative Memories Digital Scrapbooking program. I spent a lovely evening (6 blissful hours) with lovely ladies doing one of my favorite hobbies.....scrapbooking. It's kinda funny, me and my friends enjoy our scrapbooking evenings out because it gives us a chance to get out of the house and away from the parental duties for a few hours but then we usually end up spending the entire evening talking about our kids and getting very little done.
Moment #3
I drove to IKEA on Saturday (a 50 minute drive) ALL. BY. MYSELF! I jammed Eminem and Eagles Greatest hits all the way there and jammed AC/DC all the way home....ALL BY MYSELF! And spent ninety glorious minutes in between wandering aimlessly around the 8th Wonder of the World ....IKEA. "O" how I love that place. I then spent the rest of the day putting together my purchase(s). I'll share my purchase(s) with you on "Tackle it Tuesday". I still have to take pictures and I'm still working on getting some stuff out of the basement to prepare for the pictures. On a side note....I gotta say....I LOVE Craigslist. I just listed a stove and 4 pieces of furniture yesterday afternoon (it was my first time listing on Craigslist) and already have the stove and one piece of furniture outta here. YEAY!
"When from our better selves we have too long
been parted by the hurrying world, and droop,
sick of its business, of its pleasures tired
How gracious, how benign, is Solitude."
- William Wordsworth
So how did you spend your Moments for YOU?! Link up and share!