Friday, March 13, 2009

The squacoon made me do it!

Parenting tip #213:

Telling your kids to "stay away from drugs" is not enough....

Dreamy: Mom, remember when you first started talking to us about how we should always stay away from drugs, and how they hurt you, and how they're bad for your body and brain and make you do stupid things and even if a friend tries to give us a drug we should always say no?

Me: Yeah

Dreamy: Well, I used to think that drugs were an animal.

Me: huh???

Dreamy: Yeah. I used to think that "drugs" were an animal. I figured in my brain that they were like a cross between a squirrel and a raccoon. Like a racquirl or squaccoon.


Marni's Organized Mess said...

HAHAHAHA. That's good. Thanks.

April said...

Too funny! said...

Hmmm. Good point, kiddo. We have to explain what they and WHY they are bad, otherwise the kid think we don't know what we're talking about.

Kori said...

Ha! Have they been given the "cigarettes are a terrible drug that will KILL you lecture at school yet?" Gotta love that one. Every time I light up, sam looks at me morosely and says, in a doom filled voice, "you are going to DIE." Doesn't help that he is probably right.

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

That is to funny!
He sure is dreamy!

Tara R. said...

Bwahahaha! That is awesome!

Christy said...

This story made me laugh out loud. Too funny!

Kate said...

That's cute. So funny how kids' minds work.

Tina said...

Ha...guess you DIDN'T get your point across. That's funny.

Thanks for coming by!

WeaselMomma said...

Did you tell him that's exactly the kind of thoughts that drugs will put in your brain?

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Oh mah word. "Dreamy" is the perfect name for that kid!!!