It looks as though Italy is out. My chances of waking up in the mountains in a Tuscan styled villa, shopping in Milan (the mecca of shopping), sipping liquid mud in the local espresso bar, and going for a jog beside sun baked olive groves and vineyards is but a fading dream....*bows head and gives a dramatic sigh of disappointment*.....It seems my husband can't be spared in his office. are now considering moving. We've been going back and forth for over a year now wondering if we should move. We change our minds on a weekly....sometimes daily.....basis. the biggest issue I have with moving is my parents live right down the street from in....I can lean over right now and look out my office window to see if they're home. I'll miss living so close. If they weren't down the street from us we probably would have already moved. We wouldn't move far. We're looking in cities that are within 30 minutes north of our current home. We love our house but wish we had 4 bedrooms....and a 3 car garage would be lovely. We currently live in a 3 bedroom house. The boy's share a room and sleep in bunk beds and have a very small closet. We added an Ikea closet for more storage which has made their room incredibly snug. For the time being we're actually quite comfortable here but we foresee the day when the boys' are teenagers and still sleeping in bunk beds. Our house is not for sale....we're just looking with a realtor to see what's out there. We'll see.
I went back to the doc's this past Friday because antibiotic #1 was doing nothing for me. Still had a raging sinus infection and bronchitis. So I'm now on antibiotic #2. And dare I say that after 3 doses I'm feeling like I may finally be on the mend. Tomorrow will be 5 weeks. UGH.
Training for the marathon has been a little inconsistent due to the above. Was struggling to get the miles in. Ran 20 miles (in the pouring rain) last Sunday and although I was quite soggy and sporting several blisters on my actually felt much better than Traci and I anticipated. Ran 13 this morning (in the pouring rain). Next weekend is our last 20 miler and then the long weekend runs begin to taper for the final 3 weeks before the marathon. Really looking forward to having next weekend behind me.
What else?.....
It's been raining for the last 48 hours straight and we now have water pouring through the walls of our basement.
We spent yesterday afternoon at my husband's work "picnic" at a place called CJ Barrymores. They have all kinds of outdoor activities....go carts, bumper boats, rock wall climbing, bungee cord thingy, putt-putt, and more....but....

....due to the torrential down pours all of that was closed. The party was transferred to the indoors to play laser tag and arcade games. You can only do that for so long.

We skipped out poopers that we make a trip to Costco's for some groceries and a rather large impulse purchase. Please congratulate us as we have officially entered the 21st century by purchasing our very first wide-screened HD TV. Very exciting. We're doing our best to feed into the economy....good patriotic citizens that we are...
Thanks for doing your part for the economy ;) Bummer about Italy. I think I need to purchase something like that Ikea closet for the girls. I'm at a complete loss as to how to arrange the girls' clothes in our new place. I'm jealous of that 3rd bedroom!
Sorry about Italy, I would have a hard time moving if I lived so close to my parents also!!
Cute pics.
I hate moving. Too bad about Italy though..that would have been an awesome experience!
Italy sounded wonderful!! Maybe something bigger and better is about to happen.
Italy sounded wonderful!! Maybe something bigger and better is about to happen.
Sorry to hear that you won't be moving to Italy. And I am also sorry to hear that water is pouring into your basement. But congrats on the new TV!
1. Sorry 'bout Italy being out of the picture. But I'm happy because that means you'll stay in the US and *maybe* I'd have an ice cube's chance of someday meeting up with ya.
2. I hear ya on the space issue. Our house that we're building seems HUGE to us now, but give us 5 years & we'll probably be wondering why we didn't build it bigger.
3. Glad you're finally on the mend. I've been wondering if I have a sinus issue going on. Been waking up with some congestion and headaches every morning.
4. I can't believe you ran 20 miles! Seriously, that rocks.
5.Sorry 'bout the rain. I'll be feeling your pain in a few shorts months I fear.
6. Yay for the TV! I'm hoping we can get a new TV when we move.
Ok, I guess that about covers it. :)
LOVE the look on your daughter's face in that one pic - "We are NOT amused!" ;o)
Too bad about Italy, but maybe you & the hubs will put it on the priority travel list! (?) And yay for you for moving! We've been "cozy" in this house for about four years, and are waiting for Jay to get a new job before looking (law enforcement jobs often come with residency requirements). I'm just ITCHING to get outta dodge! (No, there is no cream for that...)
Anyway, you RAWK on the running - we finally just joined the Y cuz my ass no longer fits into pants it should. You're way ahead of me, no matter your time! (or blisters)
I'm sure Italy sucks anyway. You know all of that art and culture, Italian shoes, Italian men. Who needs it!
Oh no I was relying on you moving to Italy so I could come visit!
Stupid husbands company.
Good luck finding a lovely new home though.
Good luck on house shopping! IF you move.
Sorry for wishing for the cold, but I LOVE big sweatshirts and not getting dressed all day. lol
sorry about Italy!!! I hope everything works out well for you!!
Ah, man, I was going to visit you in Italy.
Now who's going to pinch your butt?
Congrats on the tv. Arent they cool. SOrry about Italy. Thats would ahve been fun
Awww, so bummed about Italy, I was really hoping I could say I "knew" someone who lived there. You kick ass running! 20 miles! Amazing!
Hey! Found your blog through Leslie at Got Kids, Need Valium. She said you were a runner so I jumped right over to see and you sure are a runner. OH my! Have you ever ran a marathon before? I'm currently training for a marathon (just 2 and a half weeks in, marathon is December 13th). I'm adding you to my list so I can see how you do. Good luck with your final moments of training. Great blog!
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