I love vacations. I mean REALLY love vacations. We're a travel'n sort'a family. Lots of travel'n. Lot's of vacations. But ya know what I HATE about vacations and traveling? Coming home to the "return from vacation chores".....the unpacking, the restocking of the groceries, the sorting through of a weeks worth of mail, the checking and replying to telephone messages....and OMG the laundry.....I'm on laundry load number 35....and still have 259 to go. There's sand in my luggage, there's dirt in my van, we still haven't been able to locate my son's sandals, and I feel completely out of touch with all my bloggy friends. I tried to read a few from my phone while on our vacation but found it incredibly frustrating as it would take 15 minutes to open each page. I eventually gave up. And quite frankly it may take me a few more days to get caught up with everyone's blogs. With school starting IN 34 HOURS!!! I'll have LOTS of time on my hands....=)We returned home early Saturday afternoon from our week at Higgins Lake. We had a fabulous time. I posted about last year's Higgins Lake vacation a couple weeks ago. We took this same vacation and stayed in the same 2 houses, with the same families at the same time in August Last year. And it was a miserable week.
This year was a drastic improvement.
We arrived there last Saturday during a horrible thunder storm with torrential down pours but never saw another drop of rain the entire week. High seventies all week. AND all our water sport "toys" remained in perfect working condition all week. Major bonus.
So here's a recap of the week....
4 families
8 adults
10 kids
We spent lots of time on the boat. Taking turns skiing. Hefty Smurf got up on water skis on his first attempt. Was even daring enough to try to ski outside the wake....succeeded....but couldn't get himself back INside the wake without wiping out. Did a few face plants. And then came up laughing and got right back up to try again. At'a boy!
Papa Smurf discovered that skiing is a lot like riding a bike. Once you learn you never forget! Got right up after not skiing in over 18 years.
I on the other hand (those following me on twitter are already aware of this) only succeeded in getting a (not so) refreshing enema. Gave it a few attempts and gave up in frustration (and pain)...pretty sure I pulled a groin muscle trying to obey my ski instructor. In the photo below our friend L was giving me last minute instruction...... "whatever you do....keep your toes together...."
Gave it 3 or 4 attempts and then handed the skis over in frustration.
The kids had a blast playing on the beach and in the lake. According to National Geographic, Higgins Lake is the 6th most beautiful lake in the world. This is a spring fed lake and so is exceptionally clean and clear.
We played a little tether ball....
And did a little fishing....
Took some breaks from the fresh air to squeeze in a video game.....or two.....or 500....
Did a little canoeing
And some more fishing
Played some baseball, football, and catch
Thing 3 learned how to blow her first bubble gum bubble
Did a whole lot'a jet skiing. This is my friend and running partner, T, and her daughter, T.
I rode a jet ski for the first time ALL BY MYSELF. I'm feel'n all growed up and stuff.
The kids all had lots of fun taking turns on the swing
Hefty and Dreamy Smurfs caught their first fish....rock basses. But I wasn't there so of course there were no photos taken.
T, M, and I all got a few runs in this week.
OH!....And I certainly must not forget to mention the highlight of the week....Hefty Smurf was throwing a rock at a raccoon that had run up a tree after getting caught in the garbage. One of the rocks landed on our friend's sunroof. The sunroof shattered into millions of tiny shards of glass into their SUV. Unfortunately, I have no photos of this as I was a little preoccupied with beating my child....jk....notifying social services is not necessary....yet....
Our first experience with a broken window *sigh* Isn't this like a parental rite of passage or something. I feel like I've just graduated and entered a whole new level of parenting. I always imagined our first broken window to be from our own house....not a friend's car.
And here's the group photo taken just before departure. We had a blast and the kids are already asking if we can go again next year.
And now I must return to my chores.
Did I mention school starts in 34 hours folks!
Giddy with excitement....
I promise to get caught up on everyone's bloggy lives once I drop kick my kids out the front door to school see my children safely off to school on Tuesday.
Actually, scratch that....have to spend the first day with my daughter in her class room. Will catch up on Wednesday!
For sure!